
Instructor of Record:

ECON 4300, Economics of Cities, GSU, 2024

Course Content:  

This course will primarily be focused on the study of where economic activity takes place and why economic agents (individuals, firms, and governments) choose to locate near each other and in certain areas. We will also study economic activity that is inherently place-based such as the housing market and local government policy. The course will use economic theory and present empirical evidence (where available) to answer questions such as, “Why do cities exist?” “Why do firms locate near each other?” and “Who benefits from urban economic re-development?”


Lectures on Urban Economics, Jan K. Brueckner

Selected Quotes:

"Very personable and accommodating towards student success."

"I appreciate his effort to repeat of go over information when it was unclear to anyone."

"He will go over something if we do not understand. I felt like he wanted us to succeed." 

"He gave us a survey to ensure we were comfortable with the class flow and we understood everything."

"He would do anything for us to understand the material whether it was him there for 2 hours or even longer."

Graduate Teaching Assistant:

ECON 8300, Graduate Urban Economics, GSU, 2021

ECON 4300, Economics of Cities, GSU, 2021

Other Teaching Experience:

Supplemental Instructor:

MATH 1799, Undergraduate Precalculus and Trigonometry, UTC, 2018

Math Tutor:

Tutored math to elementary school through college students for 6 years before graduate school